Thursday, April 30, 2009

Maggie did an awesome job on savoring her first birthday cake!!!
Deeelish!! The cupcakes were fantastic too. Look at Jacob's face...I think he wants a little bite of Maggie's cake.
"Mama....I don't know about this???"

"Look Mama...No hands!!!"
I wonder what they are so excited about??? Could it be that Jacob is so impressed that he is in a wagon with an beautiful older girl??? That has to be it!!!

Fun in the dishwasher!!!

Baby Jacob loves to look out the window. He is such a studier/observer.

Jacob is always taking in his surrounding. He and Ben have that in common.

I love it.

Hunting Easter Eggs

Hunting Eggs at Mamaw and Papaw's house. Jacob found that really large pink egg with the help of his cousin. It was under the church bench in the new storm house....just in case you were wondering.

The Easter Bunny came the the Barnes Crossing Mall!!!

Our first Easter as a Family! Easter was such a great weekend. Ben and I watched the Passion of the Christ Saturday before Easter Sunday and although tough to made Easter Sunday so special and truly touching. Thank you Jesus for saving us!!!

I am definitely an outside kind of guy!!!

Playing outside at Memomma and G-daddy's house

Memomma (Ben's grandmother) has a gift for you can see in the picture.
We had a great time playing at their house and eating wild strawberries.

Sweet Picture out at Ben's grandparents farm

We finally made it to the Alluvian in Greenwood Mississippi for our girls trip.
It was so nice.

. The food was delicious, the spa was fantastic, and the fellowship was best of all.

Every time Jacob sees his Daddy Mac there is always SUGAR involved. Jacob loves to have his paci dipped in sugar. Thanks Daddy Mac...this coming from parents who don't even give him juice. The child is deprived.

WHAT'S UP?????

Really...I wonder what he is thinking?

Aunt Winnie...My Favorite!!!


The Segrest Family said...

liz!!! love all of these new pictures! jacob is such a cute little stinker!
hope that he is feeling well soon and all goes well with your new job!

The Rheas said...

Oh my gosh he is so cute! We really need to get those boys together! I am so sorry you have been so sick...we have had the stomach virus this week! :( poor babies! Good luck on your work trip!