Thursday, April 30, 2009

What we are sick again??? Not Possible!!

Where in the world do I begin??? The last month has been a world wind. First of all at the beginning of April baby Jacob had pneumonia, a six day stomach virus, and an ear infection all at the same time. We were all sick!!! However, God is good and we all made it though. Baby Jacob has even gained the two pounds that he lost back. Most recently (Tuesday night) Baby Jacob was running a 103.5 due to tonsillitis. Thank the Lord for our awesome doctor, Dr. Sheffield. We love her, her partner Dr. Godi, and her precious staff!!!

I have also been training for my new job. I had forgotten what the Lee County Library looked like on the inside, but now since I have been there all day for the last 3 weeks, I am quite familiar with the Mississippi room located upstairs to the right. I even have a librarian friend. I also realized that I don’t remember the faintest thing about searching card catalogs to locate books. I am so excited about my new job, but I hate to leave my sweet husband and precious baby boy for 3 weeks. Boo.

Multiple times people have asked me if I am nervous about leaving Baby Jacob with Ben for three weeks, and let me be very clear….NO I AM NOT!!! Ben is as capable and can do anything I can do. He is very involved and for that I am so thankful. He is so intentional about letting us know how much he cares and loves us.
So to Ben….You are such a good Dada and I am so blessed to have you as my husband. God could not have given me anymore


Baby Girl Mason Eaves White
Baby Girl Emma Caroline Bailey

Until next time…(which will probably be in a month)…I hope you all have a great day!!!

Sweet Sick Baby Jacob taking his breathing treatments. He was such a trooper!!!

Nite Nite Baby Jacob and Georg-E!! Sweet Dreams!!!

What a sweet little curious!!!

Kendall came over to play with baby Jacob one Saturday. They had a lot of fun!!! They also play together all the time at Mrs. Jackie's and Lala's House.

Baby Jacob attended Maggie’s first birthday party at the park and had a ball!!! It was his first Easter egg hunt. Okay let’s be honest….I carried his Easter Basket and Baby Jacob for most of the party. It was still super fun!!!


jwhite said...

So sorry Baby Jacob is sick! Does Ben want to keep Ellie? If he could nurse, I'd probably give him Mason, too - I would definitely trust him :)

Courtney and Jason G. said...

Hey Liz! Found your blog on JMax's... what a beautiful family you have! Glad to know whats going on with you.