Monday, March 30, 2009

It's been a long time....

Yep!!! That is dirt in my mouth!!!
I am all boy!!!

Okay…so I never promised to update regularly, but I had hoped to do better than 5 weeks. In my defense, it has been a very long, stressful, and blessed 5 weeks. I (Liz), with much prayer and encouragement decided to take a new job. Baby Jacob has had and is just beginning to recover from pneumonia and a rotavirus like bug….which by the way has infected Memomma, Mamaw, Ben, and myself (the bug not pneumonia). I know that it couldn’t possibly be the rotavirus because we had that two weeks after we had RSV in January. Thank God for our super fabulous pediatrician, Dr.Mary Ann Sheffield. I don’t know what we would do without her and all of our sweet family. When they said that it takes a village to raise a child…they were not kidding.
On a lighter note, Baby Jacob is changing so fast. He has recently learned to pull up and is crawling everywhere. The other day I caught him half way up the stairs and not five minutes later I was fishing out Maggie’s dog food from his little mouth. Yummy!! Needless to say our little man is very busy. He wants to talk so badly, and I just can’t wait to hear what he has to say. So far our vocabulary consists of 1. Dada 2. MaMa 3. Bye Bye 4. Poofs (which really means puffs, but in our unique family we call them poofs) We really are so so blessed!!! God is so good!!!
Have a great day.

Look...I am learning to pull up on any and everything!!!

Baby Jacob loves to be outside in his walker!!!

Bye Bye Mama...I got a long road ahead of me!!!


You have got to love a bath in the kitchen sink!!!

What is this thing that squirts water all over MaMa and the kitchen? Fun!!!

Our house on the one and only snowy day in Mississippi!!!

Baby Jacob's first experience in a dish pan in the snow....

Guess who did not want to stay in the dish pan??? Who could blame him for wanting to go head first into the snow!!! Maybe he will love to ski like his DaDa. I hope he is better at skiing than his Mama!!!! Bunny slopes for me!!!


Kellye Abraham said...

I'm so glad that you've finally updated! I love the pics of him in the sink...too cute! Hope y'all are feeling better!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness, time goes by so fast! i miss you and would love to meet your little man..yes i did say MEET! wow...

i loved visiting with you through pictures and your words...

i hope to see you soon.

The Hugheys said...

YAY! I love all the new Jacob pics! :) He is precious, Liz! Love him...

The Hensons said...

so glad you finally got around to this! now i can keep up, even though you only live 2 feet away!